
Grüsse aus der Schweiz!

Switzerland or the Swiss Confederation is a landlocked territory, occupied in great part by the Alp mountain range. Internationally recognized as a neutral country, Switzerland avoids military, economic or political alliances that could jeopardize their status, acting instead as an intermediary between other states. Considered to be one of the most developed places in the world, Switzerland invests its resources in peacekeeping missions and is the birthplace of the Red Cross.

Scuba Diving Love
Joey Hanging Out Underwater In A Clear Alpine Lake In The Canadian Rockies With The Mountains In The Background And The Waterline Crisp, Alberta Scuba
Canadian Splash: A Diver’s Alpine Adventure in the Rockies

Alberta's Rocky Mountains are a place in Canada that captivate adventurers with breathtaking peaks but also scuba divers with glacial lakes.

Sitting Beside The Pool And Looking At Our Schedule For The Next Few Weeks Of Scuba Diving Abroad In Europe, Dive Planning
How to Plan the Perfect Dive Trip

A step by step how-to guide about researching, planning and executing your next scuba diving trip.

The Cliffs And Water Of The Island Of Zakynthos, Greece, Europe
Greece: 3 Wondrous Places to Dive in Greece

Greece is a haven for adventure seekers and scuba divers alike. Here are three wondrous spots for travellers to explore beneath the waves in this watery European destination.

Looking Down At The Novel Cover Of All About Fish And Fellows A Science Short Story Narrative About The Ocean
Reviewing the Short Book All About Fish and Fellows

Have you ever heard of crabs that hitchhike through the seas on the back of whales? Or that fish bathe in freshwater springs gushing out in bottom of the sea? All About Fish and Fellows is a compilation of stories put together by writer Tim Schröder presenting some of the most fascinating facets of current marine research.

The Rocky Escarpment Of West Hawk Meteor Impact Lake In Manitoba With Some Bass Fish Swimming Around, Canada Underwater Adventures
Canadian Splash: What Lies Beneath West Hawk Lake

West Hawk Lake is one of the best - and most interesting - scuba diving sites in Manitoba. The lake was formed by a meteorite impact 150 million years ago and the crater filled with melting glacier water.

The ASIWO Manta Sea Scooter Along With A Lake And Scuba Diving Gear, Northern Ontario Dive Equipment Testing
Scooting the Shallows of Trout Lake with the Manta Scooter

The ASIWO Manta Sea Scooter is an affordable and innovative scooter designed to let swimmers and snorkelers explore the sea to their hearts content.

Looking Through the Tidal Wave ProShot Mask at Two Scuba Divers In the Water in Ontario, Canada
Scuba Diving with a Tidal Mask

A scuba diving gear review of the features found in the Tidal Mask by Tidal Sports and ProShot.

The Pages Of Gardens Of The Queen Scuba Diving Novel In A Heart Shape, Nicholas Harvey AJ Bailey Series
AJ Bailey Adventure Series: Gardens of the Queen

Join the dive quest to save Cuba's Gardens of the Queen with divemaster AJ Bailey in Nicholas Harvey's second scuba novel.

Ali Clearing Her Ears While Scuba Diving In The Nemo 33 Pool In Belgium
How to Equalize your Ears While Scuba Diving

Our ears struggle to maintain balanced pressure when scuba diving, snorkeling and free diving. To enjoy these activities we must equalize.

A Sunset On The Shores Of Silver Harbour Conservation Area, Lake Superior, Ontario, Canada
Canadian Splash: Diving into Lake Superior’s Spawning Whitefish Aggregations

Lake Superior is home to a smorgasbord of fish both big and small. Under the right season spotting fish aggregations are a real possibility.

A Crayfish Digging Through The Mud In Diefenbaker Lake, Saskatchewan, Canada Underwater
Canadian Splash: Beneath the Waves in Saskatchewan’s Diefenbaker Lake

Saskatchewan may be coined as the prairie wheat-growing province, but there are more than puddles to be scuba-dived in this landlocked place.

Joey Lighting Up A Plumose Anemone In The Dark Water Of BC With The OrcaTorch Scuba Diving Light
An Illuminating Review of OrcaTorch’s D570-GL Dive Light

The OrcaTorch D570-GL is a 1000 lumen dive light and laser pointer designed for recreational and commercial diving.

The Beautiful Sparkling Water Of Clear Lake In Manitoba's Riding Mountain National Park, Canada Diving
Canadian Splash: Diving in Riding Mountain National Park

Riding Mountain National Park is an island of wilderness surrounded by a sea of farmland, forest and rippling lakes.

Ali Deploying A Safety Buoy In Stoney Cove Quarry, Inland Diving In England, Europe
England: Scuba Diving the Popular Stoney Cove Quarry

Stoney Cove is self-described as the UK’s most popular inland diving center. This quarry is found within the village of Stoney Stanton.

A Beginner’s Guide to Underwater Wide-Angle Photography

Wide-angle photography allows photographers to capture as much as possible. Underwater, this means shooting broad vistas of undersea life.

The Beach And The Green Plants With The Deep Roots Belize Diving Novel By Nick Sullivan
The Deep Scuba Novel Series: Deep Roots

A book review of Deep Root, a scuba diving thriller where dive buddies Boone and Emily uncover a deadly plot in the jungle ruins of Belize.

Spider Crab On The Muddy Silty Bottom Of The Dive Site At Terrence Bay, Halifax Scuba Diving, Canada
Canadian Splash: Terrence Bay Diving Diaries

Scuba diving Nova Scotia's Terrence Bay and everything wedged between Halifax and the famous Peggy’s Cove Lighthouse.

The Gigantic Dorsal And Pigmented Body Of A Basking Shark In The Firth Of Clyde, Scotland, UK Diving Adventures
Scotland: Basking in Glory

The rugged and northern coast of Scotland is the perfect setting for large animal encounters. Take your snorkeling up a notch by plunging into the highlands and swimming with the second largest fish in the world; basking sharks.

Reef Safe Stream2Sea Sunscreen On The Sandy Beach In Northern Ontario, Canada
Stream2Sea’s Reef-Safe Products for Scuba Divers

When we go swimming, up to 14,000 tons of sunscreen is washed off our skin every year. This runoff eventually reaches coral reefs - with ingredients that are harmful to marine life.

A Yellow Brain Coral Maze Underwater In Cozumel, Mexico
Mexico: Ready, Set, Dive into Cozumel’s Scuba Hunt

We’ve all heard of escape room games, now scuba divers have taken this fun activity a step further beneath the waves.

Wildwood Sunglasses On A Table Near The Water
Eco-Friendly Sunglasses to Use on the Water

Whether you’re spending time by the pool or fishing on the lake, wearing sunglasses is important for protecting your eyes against the sun.

The Colourful And Critter Filled World Of Les Escoumins Diving Location, Northern Quebec, Canada
Canadian Splash: The Foggy Marine Wonderland of Les Escoumins

There is a lot to love about Québec. Dive into Les Escoumins and find some of the best scuba diving in the province's Côte-Nord.

An Scuba Oxygen Administration Bottle Laying On A Deck Ready To Use For First Aid On A Scuba Injury
The PADI Oxygen Provider Course

PADI Emergency Oxygen Provider course helps individuals recognize a diving illness and treat with emergency oxygen until help arrives.

Collection Of Nicholas Harvey Books Resting Open On A Wooden Deck
AJ Bailey Adventure Series: Twelve Mile Bank

Take a dive on Cayman Island's Twelve Mile Bank with divemaster AJ Bailey and discover sunken secrets in Nicholas Harvey's first scuba novel.

The Azure Blue Waters Of The French Riviera Filled With Fish, France, Scuba Diving Europe
France: All Aboard Les Issambres Diving Express

Some of the best scuba diving in France is found along the coastline fondly known as les Côte d'Azur. The underwater landscape here features reefs, canyons, drop-offs and wrecks.

Ali Wading Out In The Lake In Her Spacefish Rashguard Ready To Swim
Spacefish Army Watersport Clothing

Spacefish Army is a clothing and rashguard line that specializes in unique apparel for divers, snorkelers, surfers and ocean lovers of all shapes and sizes.

Joey Using Reef Safe Sunscreen While Hitting The Beaches In Northern Ontario, Canada
Why you Should be Using Reef-Safe Sunscreen

The sun is shining, the UV index is through the roof. Wearing sunscreen is extremely important to protect your skin. But did you know that certain sunscreens cause damage to our planet’s reefs and wetlands?

Joey Swimming Beside The Wheelhouse Of The Niagara II Shipwreck In Tobermory, Ontario, Scuba Diving Canada
Canadian Splash: Scuba Diving in Tobermory

Dive into Ontario's wreck junkie heaven. Tobermory's clear water and abundance of shipwrecks make it one of the top dive sites in Canada and the world.

The Deep Cut Scuba Diving Novel Beside A Globe
The Deep Scuba Novel Series: Deep Cut

A book review of Deep Cut, an action-packed scuba diving thriller where dive buddies Boone and Emily explore their new home of Saba and weather one of history's most powerful hurricanes.

Ali Scuba Diving In The Mangroves Of Tulum, Split Shot Photography, Mexico
A Guide to Split-Shot Photography

Split-level photography goes by many names. But regardless of what it’s called, this mixture of aquatic and terrestrial imagery takes viewers on a dynamic journey through two vastly different realms.

The Sponge Covered Gullies Of St Abbs, Scuba Diving Scotland's East Coast
Scotland: The Dynamic Dive Scene in St Abbs

The mesmerizing cold water aquascapes of St Abbs can only be experienced by donning a drysuit and jumping into the deep end.

Joey Undertaking A 15 Foot Safety Stop On A Boat Dive In Spain, Diving Europe
Safety Stops and their Importance in Diving

Safety stops are an important part of scuba diving as they slow down a divers ascent to the surface, allowing bodies time to off-gas.

The Deep Shadow Scuba Novel Series Page With A Seashell
The Deep Scuba Novel Series: Deep Shadow

A book review of Deep Shadow, an action-packed scuba diving thriller where dive buddies Boone and Emily uncover a deceptively dangerous plot on the small Dutch islands of Bonaire and Saba.

The Rich And Plant Filled Wetlands Of Temagami, Scuba Diving Ontario, Canada
Canadian Splash: Dipping into Temagami and Surrounding Lakes

There are more than 200 named lakes across the Temagami region. With the lakes being at the heart of this location's tourism, scuba diving is an activity worth exploring.

A Male Scuba Diver Behind A Hazy Thermocline In Tulum, Mexico
Recognizing and Understanding Thermoclines

Thermoclines are layers of water determined by temperature. They exist in all lakes and oceans, dividing the sunlit upper layer from the cooler water below.

A Scuba Diving Logbook And A Pony Bottle Tank
Why you Should Have a Dive Log

Dive logs are an important part of scuba diving and a way to keep tabs on not just your dives but also your experience and memories.

A Shipwreck In Brest With A School Of Fish, France Scuba Diving, Europe
France: The Beautiful Cold Water Diving of Brest

Visiting Brest reveals an enticing world of scuba diving in France. With walls, wrecks and potential seal encounters, find out why people from all over are drawn to this area.

The Glass Jellyfish On The Mantle Piece Above The Fire Place
Decorating our Home with a Glass Jellyfish

La Méduse one of the oldest glass blowing workshops in Canada. They create beautiful glass jellyfish art pieces worthy of any scuba diver's home decor.

The Gorgonian Coral Gardens Of Cozumel, Mexico
Mexico: Go with the Cozumel Flow

As a popular Caribbean island, Cozumel is a Mexican dive destination suitable for all levels of divers. With the second-largest reef system in the world, Cozumel is home to 26 types of coral and over 500 fish species, all of which play an integral part in the island’s identity.

Sea Glass Punch Glasses Ready To Drink
Sea Glass Punch

While it may take close to a decade for the ocean to take a lowly piece of glass and turn it into a gem-like creation, thankfully it doesn’t take nearly as long to make this delicious sea glass punch.

Cable Bites Axolotl Clamping Onto A Cable
Protecting your Charging Cables with Ocean Animals

Cable Bites are adorable little plastic animals, which as the name implies, “bite” onto your phone, computer and iPad cords protecting them from breakage.

Joey Illuminating The Large Discarded Whale Bone On The Bottom Of Dildo, Newfoundland, Diving Canada
Canadian Splash: The Whale Bones of Dildo

Newfoundland is a place chock-full of life, and scuba diving a whale boneyard is one of the many shore diving opportunities this Canadian province offers.

Free Diver In A Bottle, Ocean Pollution
A Scientific Look at Marine Pollution

Aquatic ecosystems are fragile environments that play an intricate role in the survival of species on the planet. Of this vast expanse of blue, approximately 40% are gravely affected by human activities.

Joey Diving Down Underwater With His Snorkeling Equipment In Bonaire, Dutch Caribbean
A Beginner’s How-To Snorkeling Guide

Snorkeling is a water activity that involves swimming along the surface of the water with your face submerged underwater enjoying the world below. It is fun, does not require any special training and almost anyone can do it.

The Fish Filled Coral Reefs Of Bonaire, Dutch Caribbean Scuba Diving
Scuba Destinations we LOVE

This Valentine’s Day we want our love for scuba diving to inspire you to get into the water and enjoy the world below.

The Rocky Intertidal Shores Of Nova Scotia, Canada
Splish, Splash in a Canadian Tide Pool

Tide pools are pools of water exposed at low tide and submerged by the ocean at high tide. They give non-divers a chance to glimpse the underwater world while remaining on land.

A Protected Marine Reserve Along Spain's Mediterranean Coastline
The Importance of Marine Protected Areas

Marine protected areas protect endangered species and critical habitats. As scuba divers they play a big role in the conservation of our lakes, rivers and oceans.

A Dive Light And Dive Regulator Scattered On A Table
A Review of the Xtar D20B 1000 Dive Light

A dive light is an essential piece of your kit whether you are a beginner or a more advanced diver. Here is our review on the Xtar DB20 1000 dive light.

A Kelp Bed On Grand Manan Island, Scuba Diving Canada
Canadian Splash: Bouncing Around Grand Manan’s Kelp Beds

Located at the mouth of Fundy, there are many good reasons that the rocky coastlines of Grand Manan island would be ideal for scuba diving. Thanks to the ocean exposure and changing tides, the outer Bay of Fundy has some of the most dauntingly productive waters in Eastern North America.

Joey Scuba Diving From One Of Our Favourite Local Eastern Canadian Dive Sites, Deer Island New Brunswick
Scuba Diving Locally

Given the current state of the world, travel is restricted and people are checking out their own backyards. Local scuba diving can be a very different experience than the usual holiday diving adventure, but it is one well worth exploring.

Joey With A Christmas Present For A Stocking Stuffer
20 Scuba Diving Stocking Stuffer Gift Ideas

Scuba divers are always tricky people to shop for and with the holidays just around the corner here are some great stocking stuffer ideas.

Christmas Santa on a Sea Bob
The Scuba Diver Advent Activity Calendar

When the winter holidays come around, my mind is often stuck in the sand from my last dive trip. Countdown the days until Christmas with this unique advent calendar.

The Copper Coloured Water Of The Mattawa Voyageur River, Scuba Diving Ontario
Canadian Splash: Diving into the Voyageur and Logging Days

Mattawa is a far cry from wonderful diving, but given the region’s strong connection to its waterways - through the Indigenous people, Voyageurs and logging industry - Mattawa begs to be explored.

D-Day Landing Beach View With The Leftover Floating Pontoons, Normandy, France
France: Diving the D-Day Beaches

Rooted in history, you’d be hard-pressed to find a diving local that offers a better opportunity to witness World War II wrecks. Dive into the D-Day landing beaches of Normandy.

Blacktip Island And Rosalita Flats Caribbean Scuba Novels By Author Tim W. Jackson
Review of The Secret of Rosalita Flats

Reviewing the Secret of Rosalita Flats by author Tim W. Jackson who integrates scuba diving into the narrative of his most recent Caribbean mystery novel.

Jurassic Coast Of Portland England Scuba Diving, UK
England: Diving into the Jurassic Coast

England may be known for its rainy weather and Stonehenge but don't discount this country's love for scuba diving, particularly on the Jurassic Coast.

Ali Thinking Of A Dive Association To Use For Scuba Diving

Many scuba diving agencies that play a role in training divers. Here is a look at SEI, PADI, NAUI, and SSI, the top scuba agencies in the world.

Ali Drinking With The Turtle Straw
Sipping Straws with a Splash

Help fight single-use plastics and their effects on our planet with this Canadian made eco-friendly glass straw.

Inside The Sharks, Turtles And Underwater Things Colouring Book Hero
Dive into our First Colouring Book

Sometimes all you need is a dash of colour and a splash of water! Spark your child’s creative spirit as they colour their way through the underwater world with the first official Dive Buddies 4 Life colouring book.

The SS Charcot Whaling Ship In Conception Harbour Newfoundland Scuba Diving Site
Canadian Splash: Shore Diving Conception Bay

Year after year Newfoundland enjoys large marine animal migrations, rich fisheries and icebergs floating down from Greenland, so it should come as no surprise that this province would pair well with scuba diving.

Silk Dive Map Is Scuba Okay Hero
Where in the World do You Want to Dive?

Awesome Maps creates illustrated maps inspiring travel and wanderlust. Their world dive map is a comprehensive art piece showcasing over 500 different dive spots with snippets of information about the type of dive and underwater attributes.

Crab And Jellyfish Rock Art For Scuba Diving SitesThis article is in the news
The Ocean “Rocks”

With COVID grounding travel and keeping people stuck at home, some are tapping into their artsy rock painting side.

Ali And Joey Trying Scuba Diving Under The Ice In Ontario, Canada
Scuba Diving and Staying Warm

Whether you’re scuba diving in cold or warm water, in the sunny tropics, or the icy Arctic, being chilly on a dive is never fun.

Blackwater Diving Compilation Of Creatures Hero
USA: Into Black Water

Blackwater diving is a type of night diving where scuba divers immerse themselves over deep channels of offshore water to witness the largest migration on the planet - the diurnal migration.

Alisha And Andy Preparing Scuba Diving Equipment Before Heading Into The Water In Temagami, Ontario, Canada
Why You Should Own your Own Dive Gear

Dive equipment may be expensive, but new divers will find, there are many advantages to having your own set of scuba gear.

The Carwash Cenote Pond Opening, Tulum, Mexico
Mexico: Tulum’s Blue Netherworld

For some Tulum is a region of ancient civilization and crumbling ruins. For others, it’s one of the best cave and cenote diving places in the world.

A Patch Of Rockweed And A Farne Island Grey Seal Swimming At The Surface
England: The Farne Islands Unleashed

Diving the Farne Islands will open your mind and touch your soul as you get into the water with some of mother nature's most playful creatures.

Scuba Diver Joey Lighting Up The Rothesay Shipwreck In Brockville, Ontario, Scuba Canada
Canadian Splash: What Lies Beneath the St Lawrence Seaway

From age-old shipwrecks to lukewarm water, the Saint Lawrence Seaway is considered one of the go-to diving destinations in Ontario.

Two Empty Shark Wine Glasses Side By Side
Drinking Wine has Never Been More Jawsome

If you thought drinking wine couldn’t get any better - allow us to introduce you to the shark wine glass.

Joey On Bonaire Scuba Diving With A Large Bait Ball Of Fish, ABC Caribbean Islands
Bonaire: The Bonaire Scuba Bucket List

Submerge yourself into Bonaire's underwater world with this scuba bucket list. It will leave you wanting more from the coral capital of the Caribbean.

Ripley's Aquarium Of Canada Dangerous Lagoon Tank Overview, Scuba Diving Canada
Canadian Splash: A Tank Full of Sharks

Do you want to try diving inside an aquarium? This unique Canadian location lets you experience scuba diving and up-close animal encounters like never before.

Great Star Coral Under A Scuba Divers Fluorescent Light In Bonaire, Dutch Caribbean
A Psychedelic Overview of Fluorescent Diving

Fluodiving, fluorescent night diving, UV diving, glow diving - goes by many names. But no matter what you call this vibrant type of diving, the optical magic of fluorescence adds a totally new dimension to your night diving repertoire.

PADI Wreck Diver Course On The Shipwrecks Of Bell Island, Newfoundland, Scuba Diving Canada
All About the PADI Wreck Diver Course

Whether sunk on purpose or as the result of a mishap, it’s a breathtaking experience to be able to visit a sunken wreck while scuba diving.

Looking Out At The Water Of The Gas O Meter Scuba Diving Facility In Germany
Germany: To the Top of the Gas-o-meter

Is your scuba diving feeling a bit too routine? Shake things up and try scuba diving in this unique German dive location - we promise you won't be disappointed.

The Soft White Tentacles Of A Plumose Anemone At The Saint Andrews Dive Site, New Brunswick, Canadian Splash
Canadian Splash: Splashing into St. Andrews by-the-Sea

Saint Andrews by-the-sea may be small in size, but this summer town packs a pretty big dive punch for scuba divers willing to brave the Bay of Fundy's tides.

Ali Looking At A Re-Breather During Bonaire TeK Week, Buddy Dive Resort, Dutch CaribbeanThis article is in the news
Joining the Bonaire TeK Diving Side

Bonaire TEK is an annual October occurrence, where Buddy Dive Resort partners with leaders in the tech diving industry for a week of technical dive demonstrations, equipment trials, presentations, training ins and outs, and camaraderie.

A Pink Lily Pad Underwater in Finlayson Point Park, Lake Temagami, Ontario, Scuba Diving Canada
Canadian Splash: Dive into Ontario Parks, the water’s lovely!

When it comes to getting outside and immersed in nature, Ontario Parks is at the top of the list. Not only do the parks boast magnificent nature, but it's hundreds of thousands of lakes make it a real treat for those who love the water.

A Macro Photograph Of A Piece Of Soft Coral In Bonaire, Underwater Photography Guide
A Beginner’s Guide to Underwater Macro Photography

Not all things underwater can be seen at first glance - for some, you need to take a closer look. Macro photography is the art of close-up photography on small subjects.

Bell Island Newfoundland Shipwreck Scuba Diving, Canadian Scuba Locations
Canadian Splash: Wrecked in Newfoundland

Do you enjoy cold water wreck diving? This dive destination will let you experience the best shipwrecks and scuba diving opportunities on the Canadian east coast.

The Peggy's Cove Lighthouse On St Margarets Bay, Outside Of Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canadian Splash Scuba Diving
Canadian Splash: Let’s Hit the Coast and Shore Dive St. Margarets Bay

When diving in Nova Scotia where do you even begin? Do you start in Halifax the province's capital or do you wander beyond to see what the surrounding area has to offer?

A Purple Spiny Sea Star On A Pink Encrusted Rock In Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada
Canadian Splash: Embracing the Cold Murky Water of Saint John

Sometimes finding a good dive spot is easier said than done. Shore diving around Saint John, New Brunswick is a testament to how unpredictable the Bay Fundy can be.

A Woman Diver With A Yellow Scuba Mask Rolling Into The Water With Scuba Diving Gear In Mexico
A How-To Guide for Backroll Entries

No matter what level of diver you are, scuba backroll entries are a fun-filled way to get off the dive boat and get into the water.

The Shark Infested Waters Of Jupiter, Florida
USA: Diving into Jupiter’s Shark Infested Waters

Sitting pretty right next to the gulf stream, Jupiter is known as one of Florida's best shark diving location. Drift along in the current as you enjoy an up-close encounter with the ocean's apex predators.

The Dorsal Side Of A Small Blenny Scuba Diving In Zihuatanejo, Pacific Mexico
Mexico: Scuba Fiesta in Zihuatanejo

Forget the colorful piñatas and all-you-can-eat tacos, when in Mexico's coastal town of Zihuatanejo, it's all about the scuba diving!

Joey Getting Rescued During The PADI Rescue Diver Course In Mexico
The PADI Rescue Diver Course at a Glance

Becoming a PADI Rescue Diver is a great way to further your knowledge and give yourself the tools to stay safe on a dive.

The Metal Frame Of The Crusher Works In Vobster Quay, England's Inland Dive Site, UK
England: Choppers, Cars and Planes in Britain

From planes to cars, diving Vobster Quay means experiencing a range of underwater sights and covering a lot of ground in little time.

A Double Tank Diver Exploring The Underwater World In The Dark Of Night, Mexico
Are you Afraid of the Dark?

The day is over and the sun is setting on a day of scuba diving but is it really time to hang up your fins, or do you dare slip back into the water at night?

Scuba Divers On The Boat For The Dive Zihuatanejo Clean Up, MexicoThis article is in the news
Diving for Zero Plastic in Zihua

Green initiatives are important and in Zihuatanejo, we had the opportunity to join forces with Zihro Plastic and Dive Zihuatanejo to lending a helping fin.

Small Puffer Fish In The Purple Coral Of Bonaire, Dutch Caribbean
Bonaire: A Dutch Caribbean Splash

Whether your diving with turtles or admiring coral reefs, get ready to be wowed by the underwater beauty of Bonaire, the shore diving capital of the Caribbean.

Ali Scuba Diving Silhouette Coming Out Of A Cave On Lanzarote, Canary Island, Spain
Spain: Scuba Escape in Lanzarote

For fresh bubbles, magnificent viz and spectacular wildlife encounters, now is the perfect time to explore the volcanic island of Lanzarote.

A Manatee Floating Underwater In Three Sisters Springs, Florida, USA
USA: Manatees at 72 Degrees

Offering topside beauty and underwater magic, escape to Florida's freshwater springs and snorkel with one of the most majestic marine mammals on the planet.

From The Ocean With Love
From the Ocean with Love

If marine animals could talk here's what they would say to scuba divers this Valentine’s Day.

Joey Scuba Diving With A Bag Full Of Collected Trash In Bonaire During A Dive Friends Clean Up DiveThis article is in the news
Beyond the Beach: Cleaning Up Bonaire’s Reefs

There are many ways to fight back against pollution and on Bonaire, this takes the form of scuba diving cleanups.

Ali Free Diving With Her Mermaid Hair Loose In The Ocean Of Bonaire, Caribbean
Dealing with Long Hair when Diving

Hair versus scuba, now that's a combination that doesn't mix. So how do you stay away from the tares, tangles and hours upon hours of post-dive hair brushing?

TODI Aquarium Overview By A Scuba Diver Diving in Belgium, Europe
Belgium: The TODI Freshwater Aquarium

Bask in warm water bliss as you explore the tropical dive facility of TODI. From pufferfish to piranha let the flurry of freshwater color envelop you.

Scuba Diving Sand Dollar Cookie At Christmas Time In Canada
Sand Dollar Shortbread Cookies

When you can’t be frolicking at the beach, why not bring the beach home to you with these festive sand dollar shortbread cookies.

Underwater Bubbles From A Regulator Heading Towards The Surface In Italy
How to Improve your Air Consumption

Are you a pig on air? You are not alone. Find out how you can get more out of your scuba diving tank.

An Overview Of The Blue Grotto Water With Scuba Divers Getting Ready To Go Scuba Diving In This Florida Sinkhole, USA
USA: Diving the Blue Grotto Sinkhole

Florida may be known for its ocean coast, but this southern state is also home to some of the best spring and cave systems in the country.

Looking Down Into The Bottom Of The Second Deepest Diving Pool In The World, The Nemo 33 In Belgium, Europe
Belgium: Scuba Diving the Nemo 33

Some people go to Brussels for the waffles, others go for the impressive architecture scene. Scuba divers go to Brussels to dive in the Nemo 33 indoor pool.

The Golden Beach And Blue Water Of Spain's Famous Costa Brava In Europe
Spain: Costa Brava is Calling

The Mediterranean oasis of Spain's Costa Brava is a delight for divers. With wreck dives, shore dives and wall dives just off the coast, to truly explore this destination you must take to the sea.

Go Pro Equipment For Underwater Photography While Scuba Diving
How to Take Good Underwater Photos with a GoPro

Problem: you want to take decent underwater pictures but good photography gear is just so expensive. Solution: learn how to take good underwater pictures with your handy dandy GoPro, it's easier than you think.

The Devil's Den Snorkelling And Scuba Diving Cave In Florida, USA
USA: Diving into the Den of the Devil

Dark, ancient and mysterious are a few words that can be used to describe the Devil's Den cavern in Florida. Find out what it was like to visit this world-class tourist destination and dive this prehistoric spring system.

An Airplane Outer Shell In The Chepstow Quarry In Wales, United Kingdom
England: Welcome to the Chepstow Diving Jungle

Nothing compares to the thrill of diving to a helicopter, airplane, army car, and double-decker bus all in one dive. Don't miss this epic diving jungle in England.

Green and White Jewelled Anemone Seen Scuba Diving in Carnac, France
France: The Underwater Gardens of Carnac

Who says cold water diving can’t be filled with color? Plunge into Carnac, France and explore the bountiful anemone gardens, intricate macro life, and delicate fragility below the surface.

A Lone Diver Floating Under The Water Of Peniche, Portugal No Watermark
Portugal: Go Scuba Wild in Peniche

Backroll into to the cold water world of Portugal's Berlengas Island Natural Reserve. Located off the coast of Peniche, this underwater paradise will have you have you gurgling with excitement into your regulator.

Underwater Anemone In Costa Del Sol, Spain, Europe
Spain: The Watery World of Costa del Sol

With thrilling shore dives, an amazingly sunny climate and marine animals coming from the Atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean sea, it's no wonder scuba divers are seduced by the underwater world of Costa del Sol.

Two Butterfly Fish Swimming Along The Reef In Key Largo, Florida Keys, USA
USA: Exploring the Underwater Scene in Key Largo

The tropical oasis of Key Largo is a scuba diver's delight. Night dive, reef dives, and wreck dives are all right at your fingertips ready to be explored.

A Bin Full Of Dive Gear To Be Cleaned After A Dive In Brittany, France, Europe
The Dreaded Scuba Gear Cleanup

Everybody loves the idea of scuba diving, but the aspect of post dive cleanup is a much different story. It’s long, it’s tedious and it almost impossible to do it without getting wet - yet again.

Purple Gorgonian Macro Photograph Seen Scuba Diving In Sesimbra Portugal, Europe
Portugal: Blowing Bubbles in Sesimbra

For land loving travelers, Portugal has got it all, but if you are a scuba diver, this beautiful European country can easily fly’s under the radar. Pending the cooperation of the tides, wind, and weather, there are neat things to see and plenty of good macro life these cold and productive waters.

Women's Dive Day With Ali On The Dock By The WaterThis article is in the news
Rise of the Female Diver

It’s a tale as old as time - women fighting against the assumption that they are weaker than men, women trying to rise in the ranks in a primarily male-dominated industry. And the battle is making progress, but it isn’t over yet...

Blue Heron Bridge View from the Pier
USA: Blue Heron Bridge – The Best Shore Diving Site in Florida

As one of the sunshine states top shore diving destinations, Blue Heron Bridge offers some of the best diving in Florida. Mud, beaches, wrecks and small critters, no matter where you dive under the bridge, there is so much to see, explore and photograph.

Ali Hanging Out Over The Boat Being Sick With Motion sickness
5 Ways of Dealing with Seasickness

As a diver, sometimes you get hit with seasickness. Here are our solutions to dealing with seasickness before and during your dive.

History Of Diving Museum Antique Hard Helmet Hero Florida Key's
Scuba Diving through the Ages at the History of Diving Museum

When in the Florida Keys, make sure to take the time to learn all about man’s quest to explore under the sea at the History of Diving Museum.

Beach Cleanup Surf Rider Information SignThis article is in the news

We all remember the viral Ice Bucket Challenge that went around social media to raise money for ALS? Well, like the Ice Bucket Challenge, the #binbagchallenge was an idea put together to raise awareness on environmental pollution and hopefully take steps towards a cleaner and better future.

Joey In The Opening of the Ginnie Springs Crevice, Florida, Scuba Diving USA
USA: Taking on Florida’s Famous Ginnie Springs

The crystal clear water of Ginnie and Devil’s spring systems is arguably some of the best freshwater diving in all of Florida. As a scuba diver heading to the sunshine state, make sure to put this spot on your travel itinerary!

Ali With Her Underwater Camera In A Pool in France
A Very Beginner Guide to Underwater Photography

Taking your love for photography to new depths can be a challenge. Here are eight tips and tricks for a beginner underwater photographer.

Azores Island Volcanic Crater
Portugal: The Azores São Miguel Island from Underwater

Who would have thought that resting in the middle of the Atlantic ocean, the Azores would be a top Portuguese diving site? With nine volcanic islands to choose from and a plethora of local and offshore diving, this up and coming hotspot is just waiting to be discovered.

North Bay Scuba Club's 18th Annual Harbour Clean up, Ontario, CanadaThis article is in the news
Taking out the Trash: A Scuba Clean Up in North Bay

While most people were at home celebrating Mother’s Day, the North Bay Scuba Club donned dive gear and took to the water to clean up the local marina.

Group Of Scuba Divers In The Water At Blue Heron Bridge
4 Important Scuba Travel Questions to Consider

Organizing a dive vacation can be a challenge. To help, keep these four questions in mind when planning your next scuba diving vacation.

Puffin with a Fluorescent Bill under UV LightThis article is in the news
Puffins – the fluorescent birds we never knew about

A scientist has made a shocking new discovery in England. Under UV light the bills of Atlantic puffins light up like a glow stick.

Roman Statues Under The Mediterranean Sea In The Gulf Of Naples At The Archeological Dive Site Baiae In Italy, Europe No Watermark
Italy: Baiae – Italy’s Own Version of Atlantis

Beneath the waters of the Gulf of Naples are the remains of an ancient Roman civilization lost to the seas of time and guess what? You can dive into it!

Leatherback Turtle Coming Out Of The Ice at Bras d'Or LakeThis article is in the news
Leatherback Turtle Found Iced in a Cape Breton Lake

Nova Scotia has seen a few strange things over the years but never has a 360 kg leatherback turtle washed up dead and frozen in a Cape Breton lake.

Heading Off On The Discover Scuba Dive in Greece
Becoming a Divemaster: Making the Jump from Passion to Pro

For some scuba diving is more than just a hobby - it’s a lifestyle. Here is everything you should know about getting your divemaster certification.

A Collection of Fishing Buoys in a Boat
Let’s Talk about Surface Markers

Sometimes a dive doesn’t go according to plan and when that happens, it’s important to be seen. Learn all about surface markers and why you should have one.

The Bay of Fundy Humpback Whale FlukeThis article is in the news
North Bay’s Whale of a Tale

Find out how a couple of scuba divers made a gigantic snow sculpture to try and turn the tides on plastic use in the city of North Bay.

Looking off the Point at the Old Sow Whirlpool on Deer Island New Brunswick
Canadian Splash: Diving in the Bay of Fundy’s Whirlpool

Submerging into the cold waters of Deer Island is one of the best ways to appreciate the vibrant array of color the Bay of Fundy hides beneath her surface.

A Trio Of Scuba Divers In The Cold Water Close To Halifax, Nova Scotia In Canada
How to be an Eco-Friendly Scuba Diver

It's not easy being green in a day and age where everything is plastic and waste. Let sustainability lead the way as you explore the underwater world.

The Deck Side Of An Ancient Albania Shipwreck On The Bottom Of The Mediterranean Sea In Albania, Europe
Albania: Scuba Diving into the Unknown

With the civil unrest a recent memory, few places in the world lay claim to unexplored waters off its coastline. Let Albania help you become an underwater explorer.

Theodore The Tug Boat In The Halifax Harbour, Nova Scotia, Canadian Splash Scuba Diving
Canadian Splash: Shore Diving in Halifax, Nova Scotia

Nova Scotia is full of cold water diving opportunities, particularly around shores of Halifax.

Barnacles Encrusting On A Rockface In Zadar, Croatia, Europe
Croatia: Snorkeling in Ražanac

A brief glimpse of some of the marine fauna and stunning snorkeling opportunities on Croatia's Dalmatian coast.

A Macro of a Pouty Fish in the Zeeland Saltwater Lake
Netherlands: Shore Diving in the Province of Zeeland

The world knows the Netherlands for their windmills and clogs, but what is not as well known is the excellent shore diving in the southern province of Zeeland.

Zombies In The Water of Fredericton
Scuba Preparation for a Zombie Apocalypse

Getting ready for Halloween, scuba diver style, with the PADI Zombie Apocalypse Diver Specialty Course. It's a scuba course that is to die for.

Colourful Fish in Croatian Waters, Zadar, Scuba Diving Croatia, Europe
Croatia: Diving in Zadar

The beauty of Croatia’s Dalmatian coast is one thing to drive, another to scuba dive. Suit up and plunge into this country's ocean of adventure.

Barracuda Swarming In The Water Off The Amalfi Coast, Italy, Europe
Italy: Punta Campanella Scuba Diving

Italy is a cultural hub for art, history, dining and scuba diving. Dive the Amalfi coast and see some of the best-kept secrets of the Tyrrhenian Sea.

Nadine Learning to Scuba Dive and Swimming Along The Bottom of the Ocean in Greece, Europe
So You Wanna be a Scuba Diver?

Thinking about sprouting gills and making the plunge into the underwater world? Find out if you're cut out to become an Open Water scuba diver.

The Blue Cylinder Tank of the Italian Y-40 Pool
Italy: Scuba Diving the World’s Deepest Pool

When in Italy make sure to stop at the world's deepest pool, Y-40 the Deep Joy and try your hand at scuba or freediving for a bucket list experience.

Funky Anemone on the Reef in Slovenia, Europe's Balkan Country
Slovenia: Diving in an Underwater Playground

Submerge yourself into an underwater playground of fun as you explore some of the best shore dives Slovenia has to offer.

Large Pelagic Fish Swimming In The Water Off The Coast Of Dubrovnik, Croatia No Watermark
Croatia: Diving Dubrovnik Like a Boss

Vibrant and full of outdoor adventures, Croatia, is a dream to scuba dive. Explore the underwater mystery of the Adriatic Sea in and around Dubrovnik.

A Scorpionfish In The Sponges And Rocks Of Budva, Scuba Diving Montenegro, Europe's Balkan Countries
Montenegro: Eat, Sleep, Dive, Repeat

Scuba diving in Budva, Montenegro is the perfect place to suit up and dip your toes into a hidden Mediterranean world.

Triton Snail From A Dive On Zakynthos Island, Greece
Greece: Mission Diving from Zakynthos

Want to step into to cold and clear Mediterranean sea? The Greek island of Zakynthos is the perfect place to take the plunge and spot some rare animals.

Joey Scuba Diving Along The Surface of the Ocean in Athens, Greece, Europe
Greece: My Sister’s First Discover Scuba Diving

Join us for an underwater adventure as we take my sister on her first ever Discover Scuba Diving.

Scuba Diver Heading Out From Under The Museum in Macedonia, Europe
Macedonia: Diving the Bay of Bones

Let history and archaeology collide as you plunge into Lake Ohrids Bay of Bones and scuba dive beneath a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

A Row Of Scuba Diving Jellyfish Shots
The Jellyfish Shot

Ever wonder what the perfect drink for a scuba diver or ocean fanatic is?

Crab In Ali's Hand
Nicaragua: Dive into the Laguna Apoyo

Step up your scuba diving game by jumping into the volcanic crater of Nicaragua's Laguna Apoyo.

A View of Secret Beach in Costa Rica, Central America
Costa Rica: Playa del Coco Snorkeling Spots

Slipping into the Pacific waters off Costa Rica for a snorkel is a relaxing way to spend the day. Here are the best places around Playa del Coco.

A Large School Of Yellow Snappers In The Blue Ocean Of The Catalina Islands In Costa Rica, Central America
Costa Rica: Diving the Catalina Islands

The sea life was plentiful at the Catalina Islands. It was the perfect spot to introduce Dad to Costa Rica's underwater playground!

A Tornado Of Grunt Fish Schooling Underwater At The Bat Islands In Costa Rica, Central America
Costa Rica: Bat Islands Diving

Bat Islands are a collection of volcanic islands off the coast of Costa Rica with some pretty unique diving.

Scuba Joey And Ali Enjoying A Wedding Shoot On Rocks In Lake Ontario
A Scuba Diver’s Dream Wedding

If you are a scuba diver looking to get married on your surface interval here are some nifty ocean related idea's to incorporate into your special day.

The Clear Water Of The Silfra Fissure With The Scuba And Snorkel Entry Ladder In The Distance, Iceland, Europe
Iceland: Scuba the Silfra Fissure

Iceland may be close to the Arctic circle, but that didn't stop us from diving into the clearest water on the planet.

Scuba Diving Mask and Fins at the Waters Edge in Cuba, the Caribbean
Cuba: A Little Tropical Dip

Situated in the heart of the Caribbean, Cuba has some beautiful diving opportunities.

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