You’d be hard-pressed to find a dive place as unique and thrilling as New Brunswick. Located on the famous Bay of Fundy, this Maritime province is home to the largest tides in the world and even larger aquatic fauna.
For scuba divers looking for a diving challenge or if you hope to see a rich assortment of marine life, the wild water of New Brunswick is just the place.
Explore where to head beneath the tides!
Tide pools are pools of water exposed at low tide and submerged by the ocean at high tide. They give non-divers a chance to glimpse the underwater world while remaining on land.
Located at the mouth of Fundy, there are many good reasons that the rocky coastlines of Grand Manan island would be ideal for scuba diving. Thanks to the ocean exposure and changing tides, the outer Bay of Fundy has some of the most dauntingly productive waters in Eastern North America.
Saint Andrews by-the-sea may be small in size, but this summer town packs a pretty big dive punch for scuba divers willing to brave the Bay of Fundy's tides.
Sometimes finding a good dive spot is easier said than done. Shore diving around Saint John, New Brunswick is a testament to how unpredictable the Bay Fundy can be.
Submerging into the cold waters of Deer Island is one of the best ways to appreciate the vibrant array of color the Bay of Fundy hides beneath her surface.