Ocean Bridge National Call: Scuba Diving through Canada’s Special Places

May 05, 2020

May 05, 2020

4:00 pm to 5:00 pm

Ocean Bridge National Call Event Canadian Splash

Ocean Bridge connects Canadian youth from coast to coast to coast empowering them to make a difference towards ocean conservation. Each month Ocean Bridge leaders gather virtually across the country to discuss ocean health and ocean literacy. Dive Buddies 4 Life will be a guest speaker for the May 5th, 2020 National call and immerse peers and leaders in their Canadian Splash initiative.

Canadian Splash is a carefully crafted 13-part project where Dive Buddies will dive and photograph every province and territory of Canada. Our underwater adventures will showcase the beauty, wonder, and fragility hidden below the surface of Canada’s waterline.

On the National Ocean Bridge call, Dive Buddies will discuss scuba diving across Canada, immersing leaders in a wide range of underwater images and videos of Canadian flora and fauna, all while exploring aspects of conservation and education.

** This conference call is exclusively for Ocean Bridge Leaders across Canada

Time: 5:30-6:30 NDT
Location: Various regions across Canada

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Dive Buddies 4 Life Logo

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